general help
This section should give you a general understanding of how
SYPMarks works.
g e t t i n g · s t a r t e d
To get started with SYPMarks, you need to set
up a personal account. This will allow you to log into the system and
maintain your favorites privately. To set up your account, click here.
When you have successfully registered, you are able
to log in. In the upper right of this window, you will see a login
section. The fields named usr and pass are used to type
in your personal username and password, which you selected in your
registration procedure. Try to type in these and click on login
Your main window changes to reflect your current
favorites. You will have no favorites at this point, thus you should
add some folder or favorites to it now. This is easily done by click
on either folder or favorite links in the left side.
o r g a n i z e · f a v o r i t e s
There are two types of folders in SYPMarks:
public and private folders. If you have favorite, you think others may
like, you can put them in a public folder. When a favorite is placed
in this folder, it will automatically be displayed in your public
area. Everybody are able to access this area without logging into the
system. A private folder is used to keep your favorites for your use
only. If you place a favorite in a private folder, you will
have to log in using your username/password, before using the link.
Please be aware, the private/public status are not inherited
from the parent folder. This have been done, since you might want to
share only a part of your e.g. sports folder, but not all of
A new folder is added by clicking add folder
item in left menu. To create a new folder, you will have to type a
name (mandatory) and a description (optional). Furthermore, you should
select your parent folder, i.e. the folder in which this new folder
will be created and you have to select, if your folder should be a
private (this is default) or a public folder. When you have filled
your fields, you press ok button to create it.
Favorites are added in a similar fashion. You click
the add favorite item in left menu and type in a name
(mandatory), an URL (mandatory) and an optional description. Favorites
do not have a private/public status, thus you have to be aware in
which folder you add your favorite. If it's added in a private folder,
you will be the only one seeing this and if you select a public, it's
available for anyone. Select your parent folder and click on ok
button to create it.
If an URL changes, you want to make a private
folder public, etc. you have to update your current information. This
is done pretty easily, just by clicking on the small pen and paper
symbol ( ).
You will enter a page looking like the one you use to create a folder
or a favorite. Make your changes, e.g. select a new parent group and
click on ok button to update.
Obsolete links or folder have to be deleted
somehow. This is done by marking them in the tree and clicking delete